Paypal & subsciption Notes
Just the facts, Ma’am
Please be sure this is the subscription (and membership if WCF) you want before paying. PayPal transaction fees are non-refundable, and will be deducted from any refund if your payment was made in error, or you change your mind. If in doubt, please ask first - info@nwchess.com.
If you are a Washington resident, your subscription to Northwest Chess includes an individual membership in your state chess federation (the WCF), and vice versa. See the "About Us" page for details.
Northwest Chess is currently accepting subscriptions beginning with the August 2020 issue. Back issues must be requested and invoiced separately, subject to availability. Email info@nwchess.com to inquire. The cost of back issues is $2.00 each plus the cost of postage. You can request a discount if your name or photo appeared in the back issue.
Payment via this method does NOT automatically enter or update your information in the tournament online registration system. Please email info@nwchess.com if you do need your info updated, after verifying that you are registered online.
Free sample copies may be available at the Seattle and Tacoma chess clubs, or at some official WCF and ICA events. These copies are limited and are not guaranteed to be available.
Back issues are available online (back issues page) after a one-month delay.
Please be sure that your address in PayPal is correct. See usps.com (Look Up a ZIP Code) for the standard form of your address.
Promptly report any changes of address, including email address. NWC is not responsible for re-mailing copies returned (or not received) due to address changes.
Washington residents must pay applicable sales tax based on the rate in effect where the magazine is received. PayPal will automatically add 10% sales tax for Washington addresses. If you are eligible for a lower rate and do not wish to pay 10%, please contact the business manager to request an invoice for the exact amount. (Please supply your address when you inquire. Thank you!)
Please keep your PayPal email receipt, and check the mailing status page to see when your first issue should be mailed. If you do not receive the first magazine for which you should be on the mailing list (usually the next month's magazine if you pay by about the 15th), please notify the business manager.
You will receive an e-mail notification from Northwest Chess (or the business manager) when it is time to renew. Renewals should be completed within one month to avoid an interruption.
If you have a problem with your subscription, please contact the business manager.
Please DO NOT use PayPal to pay for tournament entry fees (except as part of the online registration feature on the homepage), Grand Prix fees or magazine advertising without prior authorization of the business manager.