2021 Washington State Championship
2021 Washington State Championship / Premier / Invitational / Challengers
The 2021 Washington State Championship / Premier / Invitational chess tournaments were conducted as round-robins the holiday weekend of February 13-15, 2021, online via Chess.com, as detailed below. Rounds began as noted under "Schedule" below.
Three Sections! Format: Four invitation-only 10-player Round Robins by rating: Championship, Premier and Invitational. The field of each section was determined by seeding and by the highest rated players to respond to an invitation based on the January 2020 U.S. Chess rating list. All sections are U.S. Chess online rated. Jacob Mayer was the TD for all sections.
2021 Washington State Championship
Time control: G/60;+10. Late default: 10 minutes.
Entry Fee: Championship/Premier: Free, Invitational: $75.
Schedule: Rounds 1-8: Feb. 13 & 14 at 10 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM, 7 PM. Round 9: Feb. 15 (President's Day) at 6 PM. Drawing of lots: Feb. 1 at 10 PM via Zoom. Attendance was optional, though encouraged.
Site: online via Chess.com.
Prize Fund: The initial prize fund for each section was guaranteed by the WCF and may be increased based on donations. Championship: $1500, Premier: $1000, Invitational: $500. Prize distribution (each section): 1st 45%, 2nd 25%, 3rd 15%, 4th 10%, 5th 5%. Brilliancy Prizes: $300 ($100 for best game in each section). The winner of the Championship section receives the title of Washington State Champion. Plaques awarded to the winners of each section.
Drawing of lots: Feb. 1 via Zoom (see notes below).
Byes: Since this is a prestigious round robin, there were no byes or rescheduling of games allowed in any of the sections. All games were required to be played online under TD supervision at the scheduled round times.
Seeds: (note not all accept invitation; see below for actual player fields for each event)
Championship: WIM Megan Lee (State Champion), IM Georgi Orlov (Open Champion), NM Rushaan Mahajan (Championship Runnerup), Advaith Vijayakumar (Challenger's Cup Champion), WFM Chouchanik Airapetian (Premier Champion), TBD (Junior Closed Champion).
Premier: FM Tian Sang (Championship 3rd Place), Yevgeniy Rozenfeld (Premier Runner-up), Advaith Vijayakumar (Invitational Champion), Valentin Razmov (President's Cup Champion), TBD (Junior Open Champion), WFM Chouchanik Airapetian (Women’s Champion).
Invitational: Brandon Jiang (Premier 3rd Place), Alan Bishop (Invitational Runner-up), Erin Bian (Challengers Champion), WCM Mary Kuhner (Senior Champion).
Memberships: Current US Chess and WCF membership required. Memberships must be paid at time of registration. A Chess.com and Zoom account are required.
Registration: Please register online via online registration. Please confirm your ability to play on the website. We typically have several high rated players decline, and many times we reach down into the 1800s. We will take the top 30 rated players who confirm by the deadline of Jan. 31.
Procedure: Games will be started automatically by the TD in the Live Chess area. Players must be on Zoom with webcam on for the duration of each game.
Questions? Josh Sinanan, WCF President, (206) 769-3757, joshsinanan@gmail.com.
Brilliancy prizes - See the 2021 WA State Championship Brilliancy Prizes report available after the event. (The report may be published in NWC magazine.)

Pairings were released after the drawing of lots on Feb. 1.
Here is the pairings schedule for the rounds in each section. This is from the Berger tables.
See the crosstables below for the players corresponding to each pairing number.
Rd 1 - 1:10 2:9 3:8 4:7 5:6
Rd 2 - 10:6 7:5 8:4 9:3 1:2
Rd 3 - 2:10 3:1 4:9 5:8 6:7
Rd 4 - 10:7 8:6 9:5 1:4 2:3
Rd 5 - 3:10 4:2 5:1 6:9 7:8
Rd 6 - 10:8 9:7 1:6 2:5 3:4
Rd 7 - 4:10 5:3 6:2 7:1 8:9
Rd 8 - 10:9 1:8 2:7 3:6 4:5
Rd 9 - 5:10 6:4 7:3 8:2 9:1
The Championship is registered and FIDE rated. Titles: IM = International Master, FM = FIDE Master, NM = US Chess National Master, WIM = Woman International Master. Latest pre-tournament US Chess ratings shown below.
The winner of the Championship section receives the title of Washington State Champion.
Note: There was an appeal regarding the result of the Lee - Schill game, which was settled by a WCF committee. Subsequent appeals with US Chess and FIDE changed the scoring, but did not affect the prizes or positions. All prizes have been paid.
Average rating: 2250 (online ratings may differ)
Prize Fund: $1,500
2021 Washington State Championships
The Premier is registered and FIDE rated.
Titles: NM = US Chess National Master, WFM = Woman FIDE Master. Latest pre-tournament US Chess ratings shown below.
The winner of the Premier section qualifies for the next state championship tournament.
Average rating: 2083 (online ratings may differ)
Prize Fund: $1,000
2021 Washington State Premier
Congratulations to Invitational champion, Wenyang Du, who was also the lowest rated in the section going into the tournament!
The Invitational is registered and FIDE rated.
Latest pre-tournament US Chess ratings shown below.
The winner of the Invitational section qualifies for the next state premier tournament.
Average rating: 1869 (online ratings may differ)
Prize Fund: $500
Organizers: Josh Sinanan (WCF President). Thank you for your service to chess in Washington State.